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A sleeve tattoo removal is completed over a few sessions as a maximum of A5 size is treated per session.


If the following applies to you, please speak with one of our clinicians:


•Pregnancy or trying to become pregnant

•Breast feeding (Risk of transfer of ink to baby)

•Cancer or Chemotherapy (light sensitivity and compromised immunity)

•Users of Accutane or Tretinoin-Retin A, within last 6 months


•Auto immune, peripheral vascular or bleeding disorder

•Active Infections/virus (herpes) or inflammation at the treatment site

•Tanned or sunburned skin in area of tattoo

•Renal Failure (Acute or Chronic)

•Multiple Sclerosis or Epilepsy

•Surgical metal pins or plates under tissue to be treated


•Gold Therapy

•Photosensitising medication or St. John's Wort in the past 3 months


After you make your purchase we will contact you with a code that you can use to book your sessions.


$600.00 Regular Price
$360.00Sale Price

    Spend $200 on treatment and receive 20% off Skincare

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