What is Myotherapy?
Myotherapy is a form of manual therapy which focuses on the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of neuro-musculoskeletal pain and associated pathologies.
It involves a physical evaluation and an integrated therapeutic approach to affected muscles, joints, nerves, and associated viscera (organs) and is used in the treatment of acute or chronic conditions and in preventative management.
Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness/sporting enthusiast, suffering from an acute or chronic injury or condition, or want to maintain general health and wellbeing, we offer you treatment that’s holistic and geared towards having the best long-term results

Myotherapy Techniques & Modalities:

Applying Myotherapy, Clinical Pilates and other modalities, we can assist in treating a wide range of musculoskeletal dysfunctions & conditions – including those that are acute and chronic.
Some of the conditions and concerns we can help people with are:
Neck pain, tension & stiffness
Back pain
Associated joint & vertebral dysfunction and pain
Shoulder pain, impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder
Function & mobility issues
Headaches & migraines
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
RSI, Carpal Tunnel, tennis/golfer’s elbow, tendonitis and other chronic overuse syndromes
Hand & finger numbness or tingling – Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Knee, leg & foot pain – such as shin splints, patella tracking dysfunction, runners knee, ankle sprains
Pain & dysfunction associated with stress & tension
Pregnancy – pre/post natal complaints
Rehabilitation stage of an injury or illness
Scoliosis & kyphosis
Stiffness, Tension & pain associated with poor posture
Sporting & occupational injuries

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