Myotherapy is a form of manual therapy for any age group. Myotherapy uses a variety of gentle techniques that can help any age have ideal muscle function, just like adults, children and adolescents can also experience musculoskeletal imbalances, conditions and pain.
Osgood Schlatter’s disease:
Osgood-Schlatter’s disease (tibial tubercle apophysitis) is a form of knee pain found in growing children. The pain is over a bump of bone in the front of the knee called the tibial tubercle. Osgood Schlatter's disease is an inflammation of the bone at the top of the tibia (shin bone), where the tendon from the patella (kneecap) attaches.
It typically occurs in adolescents during a growth spurt, and disappears once they stop growing (around 14 years for girls and 16 for boys). Repeated straightening and contraction of the quadriceps (thigh) muscle during activities including running, jumping and kicking causes pulling of the patella tendon on the tibial tubercle (shin bone), this can irritate and inflame the undeveloped growth plate underneath. Tendons can become tighter during growth spurts, increasing the risk of growth-related injuries. Active children are at a higher risk of developing Osgood Schlatter’s disease but it can also occur in children that are not so active.
Symptoms include pain and swelling. Pain is typically increased with activity and decreased with rest. The painful spot is over the bone at the top of the shinbone.
Pain in one or both knees during growth phases
The repeated pulling on the bone can cause a lump to form on the tibial tubercle, just below the kneecap. When this lump is compressed it is very painful.
The condition is normally worse during activities including running, squatting, kicking, going up and down stairs.
Pain typically subsides during rest.
Symptoms of Osgood Schlatter Disease usually resolves with time. Myotherapy treatment can manage symptoms, help reduce pain and provide beneficial home exercises.
Treatment Methods and techniques applied; Manual & Massage Therapy, Lymphatic drainage, Myofascial Cupping, Kinesio Taping, Dry Needling. Therapist may incorporate a few techniques depending on presentation.

Myotherapy for
kids and young adults:
Our Myotherapists are experienced in treating and preventing injuries from various sports.
Common Sports:
Tennis, Soccer, Football, Basketball., Gymnastics, Dancing, Swimming, Triathlons, Marathons, Cross Country Running, Cycling, Rowing, Martial Arts and Netball.
Our Therapists are registered practitioners.
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Our therapist's are experienced in treating injuries related to various ball sports, not limited to Soccer, football, Basketball being the most common.

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