A question we get asked almost every day. What is the difference and which therapist do I need to see?

Both Remedial Massage Therapists & Myotherapists provide a comprehensive manual therapy for the treatment of soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues of the body to assist in rehabilitation, pain and injury management.
REMEDIAL MASSAGE THERAPY is a comprehensive manual therapy performed on non-specific injuries or a pre-diagnosed pathology to provide relief from pain & improve movement, whether it be a chronic pain complaint, postural related muscle tightness or simply to relax.
MYOTHERAPY is a comprehensive manual therapy targeting THE CAUSE OF PAIN. Involving a thorough assessment and applying massage & an additional range modalities including (but not limited to) Dry Needling, Cupping, Mobilisation Techniques, TENS (just to name a few modalities) + Exercise Prescription & general Nutritional advice.
Both have an aim to return the body to normal/optimal health.
Remedial Massage Therapists complete a certificate in massage + Diploma of Remedial studying for a 12 month period. Registered therapists must have knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to determine where to treat clients.
Myotherapist studies for 3-4 years, requiring a minimum of Diploma of Remedial Massage then completing a Bachelors or Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy.
Both therapists are required to be registered, insured and a member on an association/regulatory body.
Common Conditions treated:
Applying Remedial Massage or Myotherapy techniques, we can help treat a wide range of soft tissue conditions – including those that are acute and chronic.
Some of the conditions and concerns we can help people with are:
Neck & jaw pain, tension & stiffness
Back pain and low back pain (misalignment, SIJ pain & Sciatica) & associated joint & vertebral dysfunction and pain
Shoulder pain, impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder
Function, mobility issues, tension & stress
Headaches & migraines
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
RSI, Carpal Tunnel, tennis/golfer’s elbow, tendonitis and other chronic overuse syndromes
Hand & finger numbness or tingling – Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Knee, leg & foot pain – such as shin splints, patella tracking dysfunction, runners knee, ankle sprains
Pregnancy – ante & postnatal associated pain
Rehabilitation stage of an injury or illness
Scoliosis & Kyphosis
Stiffness, Tension & pain associated with poor posture
Sporting & occupational injuries
If you are suffering from a condition listed above or simply would like to relax, click the link below learn more about our other Massage Therapies available or Book with our highly skilled Remedial or Myotherapists.
OPEN 7 DAYS | HICAPS on the spot claiming available.
Highly skilled & qualified registered Therapists!
Euphoria Wellness Centre & Cafe Camberwell
734 Burke Rd Camberwell 3124
Ph 03 9042 2053
Relaxation Massage | Lymphatic Drainage | Sports Massage | Pregnancy Massage | Remedial Massage | Myotherapy | McKenzie MDT | Nutritionist | Steam Room | Cafe
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